
What is Borderlands?

It’s a video game that follows the story of a group of treasure hunters through dangerous wastelands on their quest to find the biggest treasure of all, the Vault. It’s definitely not a game for kids, with lots of blood and guts and curse words. Since I try to keep this page family friendly, I decided to not use any images from the game for this post. The Borderlands series consists of 4 main games (Borderlands 1, 2, 3, and the Pre-Sequel) and lots of extra downloadable content. It can be played on a variety of platforms like Xbox, Stadia, PlayStation, and PC. I’m partial to my computer when I play.

Who’s your favorite character?

Whenever a necromancer or necromancer-like character is available, that’s my go-to choice. In Borderlands 2, which I’m currently working through, I play as the mechromancer, Gaige. She’s part of the extra downloadable content and has a robot minion. I also enjoy using elemental effects and characters. My spouse usually goes for archers and snipers and our close friend that we often play with like assassins and thieves.

One of my cats is grievously judging you. The other is plotting your demise. Good luck figuring out which is which!

Anything else random to note?

Yes, actually! The video mechanics in some games make me feel obnoxiously nauseous and Borderlands 2 is one of those games. The camera bounces around in 1st person view when the character runs, which is supposed to be more realistic. Despite this mechanic being an issue for many people, there’s not an easy way to turn this feature off. Instead, I have to use a roundabout method with an outside program to get rid of the bouncing. If you’re a video game designer, my special request is that you make camera bouncing easy to turn off. And include any features you can to be inclusive for folks - color settings for different types of colorblindness, subtitles and characters who use sign language, translations, adjustable reaction speeds for people with slower motor control, etc.

