Week 1

“It’s like drinking out of a firehose.”

If I had a dollar every time I heard this phrase in the last week and a half, I’d be able to pay for PT school without loans. During the week, there was so much happening, so much to be done, so much “just keeping up” that I didn’t really get to organize and comprehend what the rest of my week looked like. The good news is I did keep up! And I think my cohort (other people in my program and graduating class) did an excellent job keeping up as well. There was a lot of conversation about feeling overwhelmed but I believe they’re doing better than they think they are.

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< (Is Shenanigans getting too decked out or nah?)

You know how every time you start working for a different company, you have to do all the orientation videos and readings that claim your new bosses are totally in support of you taking care of yourself, positive company culture, career advancement opportunities, and things like that? And then they show that it was all a PR bluff when they don’t actually DO anything to stick to these principles? There was a lot of orienting for PT school, from meetings to readings to videos to activities, BUT this program actually follows through on their word. It’s both impressive and relieving. For example, we had a long powerpoint on healthy water consumption, sleep habits, diet, and exercise. In one of the sleep slides, a study is referenced that demonstrates how most people are not very productive before 8 o’ clock in the morning. When I look at the class schedule, the only thing that starts before 9am is clinical days at a place of business.

All of my classmates have been incredibly kind so far. I am kind of intimidated by how knowledgeable some of them are in certain subjects but it’s in more of an “I need to hang out with you so I can also become intimidating in my knowledge of this subject” way, rather than an “I’m scared I’m going to bomb this” way. There is zero doubt in my mind of my own capability to succeed in PT school. Ain’t nobody got time fo’ that.

I recognize the necessity of syllabus week but I’m also glad to just be done with it. I’ve been working toward this for so long and I’m just ready to get into the thick of it! There’s so much more I could talk about but then this post would get really long, so I’m cutting it off here. If there’s anything in particular you want to know about PT school, ask in the comments below!


Donor Lab

