Addressing Racism in Healthcare

Hey, friend. There have been some interesting developments in the world of healthcare recently. They are important so I just wanted to take a moment to recognize them.

First, APTA Pediatrics has made the following statement:

“Dear APTA Pediatrics members,

The increasing incidents of violence and hate crimes against Asians/Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) or the pan-Asian community have been both disturbing and appalling. The Stop AAPI Hate advocacy group has recorded Asian-American hate incidents and discrimination, of which there have been a reported 3,795 cases this past year,1 and reports of Anti-Asian sentiment have increased by 1,900%.2 The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee and APTA Pediatrics condemn any such behavior (violence, bigotry, racism) directed toward any person based on their color, race, or gender. These events send a profound message to the community that the continued fight for equity and belonging is not over. We must stand as one people and face these ongoing adversities. Our committee charges everyone to take part in preventing hate crimes in your community by getting involved to create a safe and inclusive community. Listed below are resources and suggestions for involvement to help those you know who may be impacted by acts of racism.

In Solidarity,

APTA Pediatrics DEI Committee”

This statement and relevant resources can be found here:

Image courtesy of Creative Commons

Image courtesy of Creative Commons

Second, PT Pintcast released an excellent episode addressing racism in healthcare and a recent podcast and tweet by the Journal of American Medical Association. It is informative and I encourage you to give it a listen.


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